From the Mind of Bob

What I think, what I hear, what I see

Mermaid Test

2023-07-01 test mermaid Bob Ossler
Using Mermaid in Hugo I am trying out the mermaid markdown-like syntax for creating code diagrams, graphs, and pie charts. Graph L-R graph LR; Root-->A & B & C A-->A1-->A2--->A3 B-->B1-->B2-->B3 C--->C1-->C2-->C3 Graph Top-Down graph TD; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->D; Pie Chart pie title Linux Distributions "Debian":42.96 "Ubuntu":50.05 "Arch":10.01 "CentOS":5 Flowchart flowchart TD; A[Choose OS] --> B{Do you want?} B -- Yes --> C[UNIX or Windows] C -- Windows --> D[Good Luck! Continue reading


2022-10-18 Image Bob Ossler

Time to start adding a few more of my photos. This one is an older shot from North Carolina. We attended the Hot-Air Balloon Festival in Statesville and this is one of my favorites. Click on the image to enlarge.

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Comments Feature Added

2022-10-07 Code Bob Ossler
New feature I have added a new commenting system using Utterances through GitHub. This is an experimanetal feature for me since I am not very active, nor do I “promote” my site. This is a test to see how I like it, and to see how well it works. I have seen it used on other sites and it has been reported to be pretty good at filtering out spam & nonsense. Continue reading

Capture Track Info

2022-02-22 Code Bob Ossler
SUCCESS!!! In a prior post I talked about re-discovering Internet streaming radio. I am enjoying listening to TheEL.US and I love their variety of Rock, Blues, and Metal. Their library spans decades and they play stuff you’d never hear on a corporate station. What does this have to do with code & scripting? Well, I use the mpv CLI tool to stream the station from a terminal. Each time the song (track) changes I get a message with the artist / title. Continue reading


2022-02-08 Music Bob Ossler
Sometimes it comes in waves And hits me out of nowhere like a hurricane Feels like I’m going insane I don’t wanna be a problem But my self-control’s a losing game When the venom’s in my veins Ya you know me Makin friends with all my demons, never lonely Self-destructive and I know it but it’s only A matter of time before I’m out my mind I wish that I could rewind Continue reading

So Called Life

2022-02-08 Music Bob Ossler
Feels like I wanna jump Wanna scream, wanna run Wanna fucking put a chainsaw through the wall Feels like I’m livin’ in a world where everybody’s All for none and none for all What a time to be alive Such a waste of fucking time Oh, gimme something to take the edge off Something to kick the night off Something to keep my mind off This so called life Continue reading


2022-02-08 Music Bob Ossler
Most radio stations suck For years, I have bemoaned the fact that radio has become a corporate wasteland. There just aren’t enough independent radio stations. I suppose it’s financial; probably costs a lot of money to operate. I’m not going to waste time dwelling on my opinion… Found something that excites me greatly I was being a geek/nerd recently, and discovered a shell script (command line interface) that provided a menu to choose from a selection of lofi radio stations. Continue reading
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