From the Mind of Bob

What I think, what I hear, what I see

Mermaid Test

2023-07-01 test mermaid Bob Ossler
Using Mermaid in Hugo I am trying out the mermaid markdown-like syntax for creating code diagrams, graphs, and pie charts. Graph L-R graph LR; Root-->A & B & C A-->A1-->A2--->A3 B-->B1-->B2-->B3 C--->C1-->C2-->C3 Graph Top-Down graph TD; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->D; Pie Chart pie title Linux Distributions "Debian":42.96 "Ubuntu":50.05 "Arch":10.01 "CentOS":5 Flowchart flowchart TD; A[Choose OS] --> B{Do you want?} B -- Yes --> C[UNIX or Windows] C -- Windows --> D[Good Luck! Continue reading


2022-10-18 Image Bob Ossler

Time to start adding a few more of my photos. This one is an older shot from North Carolina. We attended the Hot-Air Balloon Festival in Statesville and this is one of my favorites. Click on the image to enlarge.

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Comments Feature Added

2022-10-07 Code Bob Ossler
New feature I have added a new commenting system using Utterances through GitHub. This is an experimanetal feature for me since I am not very active, nor do I “promote” my site. This is a test to see how I like it, and to see how well it works. I have seen it used on other sites and it has been reported to be pretty good at filtering out spam & nonsense. Continue reading

Capture Track Info

2022-02-22 Code Bob Ossler
SUCCESS!!! In a prior post I talked about re-discovering Internet streaming radio. I am enjoying listening to TheEL.US and I love their variety of Rock, Blues, and Metal. Their library spans decades and they play stuff you’d never hear on a corporate station. What does this have to do with code & scripting? Well, I use the mpv CLI tool to stream the station from a terminal. Each time the song (track) changes I get a message with the artist / title. Continue reading



2022-02-08 Music Bob Ossler
Most radio stations suck For years, I have bemoaned the fact that radio has become a corporate wasteland. There just aren’t enough independent radio stations. I suppose it’s financial; probably costs a lot of money to operate. I’m not going to waste time dwelling on my opinion… Found something that excites me greatly I was being a geek/nerd recently, and discovered a shell script (command line interface) that provided a menu to choose from a selection of lofi radio stations. Continue reading
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