From the Mind of Bob

What I think, what I hear, what I see

Comments Feature Added

2022-10-07 Code Bob Ossler

New feature

I have added a new commenting system using Utterances through GitHub. This is an experimanetal feature for me since I am not very active, nor do I “promote” my site. This is a test to see how I like it, and to see how well it works.

I have seen it used on other sites and it has been reported to be pretty good at filtering out spam & nonsense. My chosen theme, Bilberry-Hugo-Theme, supports it out of the box. I was also inspired to try it by a video I saw from Chris Titus Tech.

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The following video is embedded here:


This will only work for folks who have a GitHub account. Sorry, but I’m not active enough to justify paying for a full blown commenting solution. There is nothing wrong with Commento or Disqus, but they are not for me at this point in time.